Play Framework is a modern state-of-the-art web framework that makes it easy to build scalable, fast, and real-time web applications with Scala and Java.
What is Play Framework?
Play Framework is a modern state-of-the-art web framework that makes it easy to build scalable, fast, and real-time web applications with Scala and Java. Built on top of Akka, Play provides a lightweight, stateless architecture for creating highly-scalable applications.
Why use Play?
Play consumes fewer resources meaning that your mission-critical applications will be more reliable, productive, and run at lightning fast speeds.
Improved developer productivity
Compiles and hot reloads code without the need to restart the server.
Play is part of the Reactive Platform with commercial support by Lightbend.
Improved Error handling
Without the need of outside drivers.
Play has many customizable features which can meld to your specific needs and easily integrates with the majority of libraries in the ecosystem.
Open Source
Play is open source so you can see what?s happening behind the scenes.
No downtime
Built in compile/reload (mechanism) means you can see code changes in Scala and Java without affecting client-side operations.
Increased performance and reliability
Leveraging technologies including REST, WebSockets, and JSON. (comet, EventSource)